"Lynette Lombard's art and teaching melded perfectly with the promise of MGSoA when she taught here in our second year. She was one of the first teachers I hoped would be part of the school, someone I had always wanted to study with myself."

- Jay Noble, co-Founder & Executive Director of MGSoA

Lynette Lombard Fund

Lynette Lombard and her family designated Mount Gretna School of Art as her choice for donations to be made in lieu of flowers. 

Lynette taught at Mount Gretna School of Art in 2014 and remained a close friend of the school. The school is humbled to join in celebration of her life through this fund.

Donations to the Lynette Lombard fund will be split 50/50 between the Annual Fund and the Capital Campaign towards our latest artist space, Artist Cottage #4.

  • A Lynette Lombard scholarship will be awarded to a 2024 student from the Annual Fund portion of the contributions.

  • The Capital Campaign portion of the fund will be matched from the remaining ~$50,000 balance of a dollar-for-dollar challenge grant from the Thomas A. & Georgina T. Russo Family Foundation entering its 4th year of the challenge. 

    • "Lynette Lombard" will be recognized in the donor thank you display at Artist Cottage #4 at the conclusion of the ongoing capital campaign.

Donations are tax deductible:

Donate with VENMO @MGSoA-PAY (indicate Lynette Lombard Fund in the Venmo notes along with your mailing address and phone number for our tax records, our Venmo messages are set to private)

Donate with a credit card, PayPal or bank draft clicking by the button below:

Mail checks to: Mount Gretna School of Art, PO Box 182, Mt Gretna, PA 17064

  • leave a note indicating the “Lynette Lombard Fund” with your check along with your address, and phone number for our tax records.

If you would prefer to donate stock please send an email to jnoble@mgsoa.org with your contact information so we can reach out to you.

MGSoA’s suggested goal is to reach $5000 to $10,000.

Full tuition is $5000 so that $5000 raised, for example, will result in a $2500 half scholarship and a $2,500 gift towards the Artist Cottage #4 matching grant.

As of Nov 27th, this fund has reached $3,465 from 25 donors. A list of donors and their contributions will be shared separately with the family.

This page was initially scheduled to remain online through Dec 9th and may remain online through the end of the calendar year depending on the family’s wishes.

Lynette Lombard teaching at Mount Gretna School of Art in 2014.

Enjoy this excerpt from a 2014 student blog post by Natalie Pantuso mentioning Lynette:

“Inspired by our guest lecturers, I did some experimenting, but failed to find methods to execute the artistic control I wanted over my drawings and paintings. Fortunately, Lynette Lombard entered in as our new drawing teacher just in time to enlighten us on how to take the reins. I just want to say right now, Lynette’s drawing classes are absolute magic. Four hours with her flies by, and leaves me wondering how I survived without the new things she had just taught. Her classes begin normally enough with drawing models and the studio as we see them, but then we are introduced to axis, alignments, and wealth of other tools for controlling our drawings, and implement these upon what has already been drawn. We edit and adjust continuously, even during critique (brilliant!). And then we all have to be herded off to dinner, for though we are starving after a long studio day, we are on fire and want to keep going with our drawings.”

-Natalie Pantuso, class of 2014

Mount Gretna School of Art is registered as a Charitable Organization in Pennsylvania.  The official registration and financial information of Mount Gretna School of Art may be obtained from the Pennsylvania Department of State by calling toll-free, within Pennsylvania, 1-800-732-0999.  Registration does not imply endorsement.

The Mount Gretna School of Art (MGSoA) is a 501(c)(3) organization classified as a public charity under section 170(b)(1)(A)(ii) of the Internal Revenue Service Code.  Contributions to MGSoA are tax-deductible under section 170 of the Code.  MGSoA is qualified to receive tax-deductible bequests, devises, transfers, or gifts under section 2055, 2106 or 2522 of the Code.